flappy birds , i.e a game that was created in 2013 by a vietnamese developing company Nguyễn Hà Đông. the game was published by the company named as GEARS studio. inititally it was launched on 24th may 2013 . afterwards the launch the game was also removed from the apple's app store and also from google play store by its developers.
i.e Android and iOS.
Image gallery:
apple app store
google play store
Tags: Flappy Birds on Google Play Store and Apple App store
Objectives :
the initial objective of the game is to provide the users the experience of directing a flying bird , which moves towards the right side of the screen. there is also lots of hurdles while moving towards right, i.e the bird has to pass between oncoming set of pipes taking care of the collision with them , ultimately which will result to the end of the game. to fly upwards , the user have to click the screen once and bird goes upwards.Creator:
The game Flappy Birds was created by Dong Nguyen within the period of 2-3 days. and he also proclaims about the game that there is no part of the game that is next to impossible or unrealistic.Release:
The game was originally launched on 24th march 2013 on iphone5 device support. it was also updated for the new and latest ios of apple i.e iOS7 . later on the game went successful over the main country like US , and it hits the store by january 2014. By the end of january the game was also launched on android platform .Platforms:
The game is only available for two platforms till today .i.e Android and iOS.
Image gallery:
download links: source (from google play and apple app store)
google play store
Tags: Flappy Birds on Google Play Store and Apple App store